because I choose to be happy.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Falling for Mr. Me

I find myself in yet another situation--one that I seem to always fall into. Yes, there is someone who has caught my eye, and maybe even possibly my heart. Yikes. The funny thing is that even if he has the trademark disappearing eyes I seem to always go for and the non-negotiable sense of humor and intelligence that are tops on my husband hopeful list, he wouldn't strike you as mate material, at least not MY mate material. The scary thing there is that the more I think about it, the more that I see that I am falling for Mr. Me. This might sound ideal for most people but is it the formula that really works?

Like me, the man in question is a Scorpio. And according to the stars, we both have strong personalities. He's boisterously funny. I'm not saying I'm THAT funny but I know I have my moments. He has a fiery temper as do I. He's quiet sometimes and that makes him mysterious. I don't know if I'm mysterious at all but I know that there are times when I just don't feel like talking. He is careful about who he hangs out with as am I. He's the leader type as I've been almost all my life.

Haaayy... Why do I like him? It scares me that I like him the way I do and I'm trying to just really take control of my emotions. It's just that there are times when I happen to be beside him and my shoulder sort of rests against his, or my knee touches his when we're seated next to each other, that I feel something really weird-- parang I can depend on him, parang there's nothing I should worry about.

Sorry for the mush. I'm just really wondering where this is going or if I want it to go anywhere at all. What I do know is that I like that I feel this way about him. I don't know if this is right or I'm just putting myself on the line for something that's not going to work anyhow because he's like me in so many ways that I think if we do get together it'll be one explosive relationship. I don't even know if there's a possibility he likes me back.

I guess I just have to wait and see.


Blogger KrissyKross said...

yiheee. :) aruaruaru. i will send this to mr. me. hahaha. now we have a name for him

2:06 PM

Blogger Michayla Angela said...

ayiiiiii.... wuv is in the air! :) that's nice to hear naman, kaya pala blooming ka lately :P naksss

1:34 PM


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