because I choose to be happy.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Not bad for 27

Only 18 minutes to go before midnight, before my birthday officially starts. I'm excited to turn 28. For some reason, I never really felt 27. It took me until February of this year to come to terms with being 27. I kept on saying I was still 26 and I started saying I was 28 as early as September. I don't know why but I didn't like being 27. Maybe I like even numbers better. I can't really say.

But whatever number is associated with this past year, I have so much to be thankful for. This year, I stepped out in faith and quit a job I've had for three years. This year, I experienced losing a loved one for the very first time. This year, after a year of living away from my mom's house, I took a step of faith and went back home. It wasn't pretty. The beginning of this year brought testing after testing and there were times I really thought it would never end. But it did and brought my relationship with God to a higher level. It made me stronger and made me realize so many things about myself. It brought me unexpectedly to the job I've been believing God for for the past two years. It brought me closer to my dad (whom I haven't seen since I was 11), to my mom, to my grandparents... It brought new people into my life, people I am excited to get to know.

Not bad for a number like 27... Not bad at all...

So I'm excited to be 28. I'm excited to see what God has in store for me this year. I'm excited about the deal I have with God, which officially starts today although I have been practicing this past week. I'm excited to just spend more time with Him, to know Him more, to love Him more. What can I say? Life just keeps on getting better.