because I choose to be happy.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Welcoming 2006

I woke up today feeling terrible. My head was literally spinning every time I turned my head. Imagine how it felt when I actually had to sit up, stand up, or walk to the bathroom. I don't know what was wrong with me but I thought I was going to pass out. My lola, Mama Julie, gave me medicine but it didn't help much in making me feel better--at least not immediately. Finally, when my mom suggested that we go see a doctor, the diziness disappeared--at around 4pm, a good 8 hours after I first felt the dizziness. I'm still feeling a bit nauseated (and I never feel nauseated, not even when I'm sick) but the dizziness is gone. I hope it doesn't come back because I did nothing but sleep the whole day, couldn't read, couldn't watch TV, couldn't even turn my head without feeling like hurling.

It's a good thing though, that I got sick today instead of the earlier this week because I just got back from a trip to Batangas with my family (father's side). It was a lot of fun, although Batangas is definitely NO match to my beloved Boracay. We stayed at a place called Balai sa Laiya, two resorts away from where Kris stayed (Blue Coral). So, even during the break, Kris and I saw each other and we were both a bit disappointed because we missed Boracay. Walking on the sands of Batangas was not a pleasurable experience. Swimming was not much fun either. The water was freezing the first day but I just couldn't resist the ocean. You take four steps into the sea and the water was up to your neck. The strong waves weren't much help, either. I must have inhaled a glassful of salt water that first day.

But all that didn't matter because I had a great time being with my family. There were twelve of us--me, Mama Letty, Lola Lulay (who is Tito Tong's mom), Tito Tong, Tita Menchi, Anton, Maia, Manito, Tito Jun, Tita Arlene, Denise, and Leah (Anton's girlfriend). My beach-deprived cousins from Switzerland did not want to leave the place but we left as planned yesterday.


Can you believe by this time tomorrow, it'll be January 1, 2006?! How fast 2005 has gone but I am always happy about new years, because I always see them as new beginnings. I have already finished my faith goals for 2006 and I am just excited about how God will move in my life this coming year. 2005 has sure been a roller coaster ride but it's been a wonderful year. I do believe, however, that the best is yet to come and I know every day, I am one day closer to having all of God's promises fulfilled in my life. I just can't wait!

Let's give 2006 a hearty welcome!

Happy New Year, everyone!!!


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